Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Just Checking...

I seem to be waxing on alot lately about tomatoes but I wanted to check with someone else - tomatoes do NOT grow in the winter, right? The tomato plants from last spring are still producing fruit in enormous quantities: healthy leaves, rich-looking color in the tomatos and sprawling. One grew under another plant and I mistakenly assumed the plant was leaf-less. So, I pulled it out by the root, only to expose the fact that the plant had sprawled about two feet into some other plants and was filled with these gorgeous, not yet ripe, San Marzanos - with the most perfect form. There are Sweet Orange (little mini orange tomatoes) that we can't seem to keep up with and then there's this mystery tomato...produces these huge, beefsteak pinkish-red tomatoes that people sware by.

What a winter - and let me say in advance, sorry - friends who are experiencing 'real' winter.

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