Saturday, January 26, 2008

Gardening Resource Recommendations

I am frequently asked my opinion about which gardening resources are most interesting. I figure I'd ask your opinion. There might be some that should added to my list of recommendations.

Tell me what you think - which book or online resource do you recommend and what do you refer to most often?



kate said...

Graham Rice, Encyclopedia of Perennials, is one general source of info. There are several other encyclopedic sources that I rely on. Rodale Press has a new perennial book out that is good.

Unknown said...

Oh, there are so many...I like the MBG Kemper Centre website (Missouri Botanical Garden) but also most ag university extension sites...I have so many books it's hard to pick out a couple of favourites, but I love Pam Duthie's Continuous Color, Sally Roth's Bird by Bird Gardening, and anything written by Larry Hodgson (Canada) Sarah Raven (England) or Christopher Lloyd.

Heirloom Club said...

Outstanding recommendations so far! Please continue!

Anonymous said...

I like Google (or Yahoo) myself. Just by typing in the plant name, or how to grow ..., or seeds for ...

Beyond that, if you are a member of Seed Savers Exchange, they send out a Yearbook each year that has a list of everything members are offering each other. It's a great reference book, because it has most vegetables that can be obtained anywhere.

Both of these things are primarily for vegetables. You probably need to look elsewhere for flowers.

Christina said...

Welsh's Southern California Gardening.

Sunset's Western Garden Book.

All the good Rodale stuff.

Seed catalogs, especially the heirloom and "endangered" seed catalogs that hope that their buyers will seed-save.

Sarah Raven's stuff--directed towards the UK (a very different climate than our own), but lovely and fun.

That's what comes off the top of my head.