Starting January 2009, we'll make one varietal per month available for free, on a first come, first served basis, to about 20 people via a self-addressed-stamped-envelope (SASE). In an effort to encourage more home gardeners to 'grow their own' edibles and flowers we will happily share some of our saved seed. Postings will be made here as to what's available, the quantity of packets and the specifics. We'll do our best to make at least 20 packets per month available and we'll update the posting when no additional are available.
In return, we request you to let us know where and when you grow the seeds and how well they grow on. We'll still make our list of seeds available to those wishing to obtain something very specific from our list. However, due to the economic climate around the world, we really want to do everything we can to share what little we have and encourage people to begin the process of actively growing their own edibles and happy garden flowers.
Want to trade seeds? Absolutely! Look below for further details:
SASE Requests:
1. Availability: Anyone can request a free packet of seeds. If you are located outside the continental United States we must ask for US$1 since a self addressed stamped envelope from other countries is not valid in the United States.
2. Email : You MUST send us an email before sending us a request. This enables us to make sure we have a packet available in the event there are more requests than we have seed packets.
3. Limitations: Seeds are available on a first come, first served basis. As with many freebies, people will often make requests and never send their SASE. We will request each person send their SASE within 7 days of their acknowledged request otherwise, we'll move on to the next person who has made a request to make sure all the packets available get sent to people who truly have an interest.
4. Confirmation: We will send a confirmation via email once your request is received and placed in the mail. Make sure to include your email address with your SASE.
Questions? As always, contact us anytime via this link or via email.
Trade Requests:
Note, we are always willing to trade for heirlooms to try in our garden. Here are the list of items that are abundantly available for trade and are from our garden: