Friday, July 6, 2007

Seed List

After several requests, I've added the seed list to this site. It seems several people who are using browers other than Internet Explorer 7 were having difficulties accessing the list. Again, sorry about that. Hopefully this solves the problems from now on.

Let us know.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Adding to the Collection

Okay, we're taking suggestions - tell us the following either privately or on the blog:
1. What should we add to our collection?
2. What companies do you recommend, particularly for heirloom varieties but most importantly for varieties you deem worthy of growing out and sharing with others?

Thanks! We're adding to the collection and are most interested in your thoughts.

Delfino Cilantro

Let me state for the record - I think Delfino Cilantro is a bit of a finicky plant. We planted several and several have withered away.
So far, I'm not impressed.